Function Reference


Returns the data of an element of the struct.

DllStructGetData ( Struct, Element [, index ] )



Struct The struct returned by DllStructCreate.
Element Which element of the struct you want to access, starting at 1 or the elementname as defined in DllStructCreate.
index If the element is an array, you need to specify which index to return, otherwise it returns index 1. The first element is 1.
*char[n], byte[n] and ubyte[n] return all element data when index is omitted.


Return Value

Success: Data in the element of the struct.
Failure: 0.
@Error: 0 = No Error.
1 = Struct not a correct struct returned by DllStructCreate.
2 = Element value out of range.
3 = index would be outside of the struct.
4 = Element data type is unknown
5 = index <= 0.



When the element is char[n] and index is omitted the data returned is a String,
when the element is byte[n] or ubyte[n] and index is omitted the data returned is a binary type,
otherwise it always returns a number.



DllCall, DllStructCreate, DllStructSetData



$p  = DllStructCreate("dword dwOSVersionInfoSize;dword dwMajorVersion;dword dwMinorVersion;dword dwBuildNumber;dword dwPlatformId;char szCSDVersion[128]")

;think of this as p->dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO)
DllStructSetData($p, "dwOSVersionInfoSize", DllStructGetSize($p))

;make the DllCall
$ret = DllCall("kernel32.dll","int","GetVersionEx","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($p))

if Not $ret[0] Then
    MsgBox(0,"DllCall Error","DllCall Failed")

;get the returned values
$major      = DllStructGetData($p,"dwMajorVersion")
$minor      = DllStructGetData($p,"dwMinorVersion")
$build      = DllStructGetData($p,"dwBuildNumber")
$platform   = DllStructGetData($p,"dwPlatformId")
$version    = DllStructGetData($p,"szCSDVersion")

;free the struct
$p =0

msgbox(0,"","Major: " & $major & @CRLF & _
            "Minor: " & $minor & @CRLF & _
            "Build: " & $build & @CRLF & _
            "Platform ID: " & $platform & @CRLF & _
            "Version: " & $version)